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Isernia, Carpino river
Isernia, Fontana Fraterna, notturne
Molise, autumn 2022
Isernia - Fontana Fraterna
La "fontana Fraterna" (o fontana della Fraterna, fontana della Concezione, fontana delle Sette Cannelle o semplicemente Fraterna) è un'elegante fonte pubblica, nonché simbolo, della città di Isernia. Annoverata dall'Enciclopedia Treccani fra le più belle d'Italia, con sei getti d'acqua, dalle inusuali forme di un loggiato, realizzata con blocchi di pietra calcarea compatta, è una delle opere più significative e più importanti del comune pentro. Anticamente sorgeva in piazza Fraterna, di fronte alla chiesa della Concezione, ma dopo il bombardamento alleato del 1943 è situata in piazza Celestino V (ex largo Concezione), nel cuore del centro storico della città.
Molise, landscapes
Roccamandolfi. The Tibetan bridge
A metal bridge suspended in the air, 234 meters long and reaching 140 meters above ground level, has been installed near the Roccamandolfi Castle for some years now.
Carpinone. Il Castello
The Castle of Carpinone was probably built in the Norman period and from the time of its construction until the end of the thirteenth century the building was repeatedly enlarged and equipped with greater fortifications to become one of the strongholds of Tommaso da Celano. In 1223, on the basis of an edict issued by Frederick II of Swabia, the castle was destroyed by Ruggiero di Pescolanciano. It was then rebuilt during the 14th century by the d'Evoli family and during the 15th century it returned to its former glory thanks to the commitment of Giacomo Caldora. The last family that bought the fiefdom, that of the de Riso, maintained it until the abolition of feudalism, in 1806. In 1954 the notary Valente, one of the last owners, had the entire main floor and the second floor rebuilt, adapting them to new housing needs. Currently the castle is presented, with its three surviving towers, in a state of evident majesty.
Macchia d’Isernia. Church of San Nicola di Bari.
The church is located in the center of the village and dates back to the 14th century. it was restored in 1780, and dedicated to San Nicola di Bari in homage to Nicola d'Alena.
Molise, winter 2022
Isernia, Monument to the Fallen
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