The village of Borrello, as also handed down by Benedetto Croce, was a fief of the Borrello family: the Abruzzo philosopher claims to have found a document from the year 1000 which would suggest some lordship of this family already at the end of the 10th century. In fact, the news is also confirmed in the most ancient historical sources, consulted and collected in the eighteenth century also by Antinori for the drafting of his Annali degli Abruzzi, in which the progenitor of the dynasty, a certain Borrello from whom the Castle then took its name and he perpetuated it over the centuries, he would have been a Frankish leader linked to the Counts of the Marsi. Croce, on the other hand, asserts that the family descends from some exponent of the Borel family of French origin.