Montemisio. Sanctuary of the M. della Consolazione.
In a small clearing, at the foot of Mount Ascension, there is the Sanctuary of the Madonna della Consolazione or of Montemisio. The Church was built by the monks of Farfa, built on the ruins of a pagan temple dedicated to the goddess Artemis or Artemisia.
In a small clearing, at the foot of Mount Ascension, there is the Sanctuary of the Madonna della Consolazione or of Montemisio.he church was built by the monks of Farfa, built on the ruins of a pagan temple dedicated to the goddess Artemis or Artemisia. The cult passed first for the veneration of the Virgin of the Belt, then for the Madonna della Tempera (the water needed for the fields). A legend tells that, while the drought threatened the crops, a propitiatory procession was held. The statue of the Madonna had just set off, when the sky darkened and the beneficial rain fell. In the 18th century, after the restoration, the church became a place of worship for the Madonna della Consolazione. Today the sanctuary is the destination of numerous pilgrimages. The traditional festival takes place on August 15th. The chapel has a single nave, a terracotta floor and a travertine altar. In the garden stands a centuries-old oak more than 23 meters high, with a circumference greater than 5 meters.