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Molise, Italy. Glimpses of summer
Molise is an Italian mountainous region with a stretch of coast overlooking the Adriatic Sea. It includes a part of the Abruzzo National Park in the Apennine mountain range, with a rich wildlife.
Castelpetroso. The places of the Apparition
Porta Semiurna #2
Isernia, la Cattedrale, notturne
Pescolanciano. D’Alessandro Castle
The D'Alessandro castle is a fortified structure in the municipality of Pescolanciano. The castle was built on the rocky spur (peschio) that overlooks the town near a Samnite fortification.
Castiglione di Carovilli (IS)
Castiglione di Carovilli (o Castiglione) è una frazione del comune di Carovilli, nella provincia di Isernia, Molise. Sito in una zona di grande valore paesaggistico e faunistico, oggi conta circa 200 abitanti, mentre agli inizi del secolo la popolazione era attorno al migliaio di unità. Rilevante è la presenza dell'Oasi WWF di Collearso (attraversata dal fiume Trigno) nella quale si possono osservare molte specie di mammiferi (cinghiale, daino, volpe, lupo, puzzola europea, tasso, donnola), uccelli (nibbio), rettili (vipera comune, lucertola, biscia) e anfibi. Per ciò che riguarda il patrimonio storico e architettonico va segnalata l'antica chiesa sul colle, risalente al Quattrocento, che oggi, specie nei mesi estivi, ospita manifestazioni teatrali e di musica classica.
Carpinone. The waterfalls. Spring 2024
In the heart of a very small village in Molise, immersed in an enchanted forest and floral nature, stands the Carpinone waterfall, one of the most fascinating natural spectacles of the place. The rush of foaming water, which rushes downwards, pervades you as soon as you take the path and when you finally reach it you have a fantastic visual effect of light and roar. The Carpinone waterfall is becoming one of the major natural attractions of Molise, thanks also to a group of volunteers who, for some years, have been taking care of its appearance to make it accessible to everyone and not just to the few enthusiasts or those who despise the danger... She's too beautiful to leave there alone! It was born as a gift from nature and can be reached by following various paths, all immersed in the bright greenery of Molise and all marked with hand-made wooden signs, so as not to affect the suggestive panorama. As you walk, you feel a very pleasant emotion thanks to the direct contact with nature, the breathing of healthy, clean air and the sight of wonderful floral species that make everything fairytale-like.
Castel San Vincenzo. The lake. Winter 2022
Castel San Vincenzo, Isernia, Molise, Italy. The lake. It is an artificial reservoir built at the end of the fifties for hydroelectric purposes. It occupies an area of 6.140 km². The lake of Castel San Vincenzo is an artificial reservoir built in the late 1950s for hydroelectric purposes. The lake occupies an area of 0.614 km² and has a useful capacity of 10 million cubic meters. The waters that feed the lake come mainly from the streams of the Montagna Spaccata in the nearby municipalities of Alfedena and Barrea. The waters of these streams feed the Enel power stations in Pizzone, Rocchetta a Volturno and Colli a Volturno. Although artificial, the lake is well harmonized with the surrounding landscape of mountains and woods. The aquatic fauna consists mainly of salmonids. Near the lake, where it is possible to engage in fishing and other water sports, there is an area equipped for camping and a riding stable.
Termoli, la Cattedrale di S. Maria della Purificazione
Di notevole interesse architettonico è la cattedrale in stile romanico pugliese dove sono conservati i corpi dei santi patroni della città, Basso e Timoteo. Costruita nel punto più alto del promontorio termolese, ha uno sviluppo longitudinale ed è divisa in tre navate. È difficile stabilire la data di costruzione della basilica; alcuni elementi, però, farebbero pensare alla presenza di una cattedrale già nel IX-X secolo. La facciata della chiesa può essere idealmente (e anche materialmente) divisa in due parti: quella inferiore e quella superiore in netto contrasto tra loro.
Church of Maiella
The church is located outside the historic center of Agnone and more precisely in via Don Bosco. Both the church and the adjacent convent were built by decision of San Pietro Celestino. With the building of the church of Santa Maria a Maiella in Agnone the Franciscan way of life was established and everything dates back to a period between 1100 and 1200, a period in which its consecration is also included. With the presence of the Franciscan friars in this convent the possibility was created so that part of the saint's relics consisting of a piece of the tunic and some hair could be kept inside the church. The presence of the friars continued until 1807, when the order was abolished. The interior of the church consists of a single nave which houses multiple recently composed paintings while unfortunately only ruins remain of the convent. The façade of the church was rebuilt in the year 1755 on the basis of a date engraved on a large window and in all likelihood, always adhering to another date present in the liturgical complex, this building was adapted into a lazaret when Agnone was struck by a plague.
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