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Benedictine Abbey of S. Vincenzo al Volturno
The Benedictine Abbey of San Vincenzo al Volturno is located about two kilometers from the sources of the river of the same name, in a favorable position on the fertile Piana di Rocchetta, defended by the Mainarde and Meta ranges to the west and the Matese massif to the south. On the affairs of the monastery we are informed by the Chronicon Vulturnense, an illuminated manuscript written in 1130 by a monk named Giovanni, who had in turn used internal sources of the VIII-XI century monastery. According to the Chronicon, the foundation dates back to the beginning of the 8th century and was due to three nobles from Benevento, Paldo, Taso and Tato, and to their search for a place to devote themselves to the ascetic life. The chosen area was frequented in late Roman times as shown by the remains of a church and a sepulchral area from the 5th-6th century AD
Isernia. Monument to the fallen of the F. W. War
Macchia d'Isernia. Baronial castle D'Alena. View
Baronial castle of Alena: the castle occupies a substantial portion of the ancient circular village. It was built around 1100 by Clementina, daughter of Roger II Norman, king of Sicily, when the feud was part of the county of Ugone del Molise. The garrison passed into the hands of the Anjou, the Afflitto and the Rotondi barons. In 1480 it was restored in Renaissance style as a patrician residence, purchased by Giovanni Donato della Marra, who was count of Macchia. In 1748 the castle was sold to Maria Grazia Rotondi, then given to Nicola d'Alena. Celeste d'Alena was baroness of Macchia, married to the Frisaris, counts of Bisceglie and patricians of Castel San Vincenzo. The façade of the building dominates the square in front of the village, embellished by a Renaissance loggia with round arches. The first part of this loggia dates back to the Aragonese era, with a roof resting on 5 small arches. The rest of the castle is spread over 3 levels, of which the highest is the attic. In the internal courtyard, the beautiful Renaissance staircase with the colonnade stands out, which leads to the main floors. On the ground floor there are cellars, stables and servants' rooms. The upper floor was the residence of the nobles, with various rooms, including the private chapel with various relics. In 1984 the castle was extensively restored, being brought back to its eighteenth-century splendour.
Carpinone. Il Castello
The Castle of Carpinone was probably built in the Norman period and from the time of its construction until the end of the thirteenth century the building was repeatedly enlarged and equipped with greater fortifications to become one of the strongholds of Tommaso da Celano. In 1223, on the basis of an edict issued by Frederick II of Swabia, the castle was destroyed by Ruggiero di Pescolanciano. It was then rebuilt during the 14th century by the d'Evoli family and during the 15th century it returned to its former glory thanks to the commitment of Giacomo Caldora. The last family that bought the fiefdom, that of the de Riso, maintained it until the abolition of feudalism, in 1806. In 1954 the notary Valente, one of the last owners, had the entire main floor and the second floor rebuilt, adapting them to new housing needs. Currently the castle is presented, with its three surviving towers, in a state of evident majesty.
Rionero Sannitico (IS), la Chiesa Madre
La Chiesa Madre, dedicata a San Bartolomeo Apostolo e costruita nel 1717, rappresenta il maggior esempio artistico tra gli edifici sopravvissuti alla guerra e ai terremoti. Al suo interno vi sono ancora presenti degli affreschi, di indubbio valore storico-artistico, risalenti al XVIII secolo. Di altri affreschi, gravemente danneggiati dal terremoto del 1984, è rimasta sfortunatamente solo qualche fotografia a testimonianza di come la Chiesa abbia vissuto tempi più floridi.
Isernia, Monument to the Fallen
Isernia, Fontana Fraterna
Frosolone (IS)
Frosolone con i suoi 3.250 abitanti circa è situato a m 894 sul livello del mare. Visibili da lontano, mentre continuano a girare, come gigantesche girandole lasciate lì chissà da quali bambini stanchi di giocare, i pali del campo prova eolico annunciano che ci stiamo avvicinando a Frosolone e alla sua montagna. E poi i profumi, il verde, l'aria pura e pungente. L'ambiente montano è un sorprendente "mare di verde", uno scrigno prezioso che raccoglie meraviglie dove alberi secolari, stagni e laghetti, cucuzzoli e paesaggi scoscesi, rocce bianche e rifugi, sanno accogliere sapientemente valori paesaggistici (floristici e faunistici) miracolosamente inviolati fino ai nostri giorni. Tutti i mesi dell'anno vanno bene e qualsiasi stagione è buona per visitare la montagna di Frosolone, perché ogni periodo dell'anno è buono per fruire e godere delle sue bellezze. Quassù, su questi monti, anche a più di mille metri sono riusciti a vegetare alberi di faggio e la faggeta di Monte Marchetta e di Colle dell'Orso rappresenta uno dei rari esempi in cui questa specie vegetale è riuscita a convivere felicemente con il clima di queste altitudini. Il più grosso rappresentante vivente è il maestoso faggio del Pedalone, vero e proprio colosso botanico vecchio più di cento anni e alto più di quaranta metri. Proprio in ogni stagione dell'anno, lo spettacolo che offre il Bosco della Grisciata è davvero impareggiabile e ci accompagna fino ai verdi prati e poi alla Valle della Contessa ricoperta di arbusti di uva spina e di siepi di rosa canina.
Carpinone is an Italian town of 1,075 inhabitants in the province of Isernia in Molise. The name derives from the Carpino river that runs along the center, or from the Carpinus plant.
Pesche, Molise. Panoramas
Panorama of Pesche, village in the province of Isernia, in Molise, perched along the steep slopes of Mount San Marco, a white spot against the green of the mountain and the gray of the stones.
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