Isernia. Convent of S. Spirito
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Vastogirardi, novembre 2023
Physical geography
It is located at 1200 m above sea level. in the part of Molise bordering Abruzzo. The territory of Vastogirardi (IS) extends over an area of 60.72 km² and borders the municipalities of Capracotta to the north, San Pietro Avellana, Castel di Sangro (AQ) and Rionero Sannitico to the west, Forlì del Sannio, Roccasicura and Carovilli to the south, Agnone to the east. From a morphological point of view, the territory is separated from that of Capracotta by reliefs of Monte Capraro, which oscillate between 1300 - 1350 m, which descend steeply to Piano S. Angelo and Difesa Grande and Capo di Trigno (ancient lake basin ) at an altitude of 1100 m from which the Trigno river originates, one of the two most important Molise rivers which flows into the Adriatic Sea and gives its name to the road of the same name which reaches up to San Salvo (CH), i.e. the Trignina. To the west are the mountains of Montagnola (1292 m) and Monte Miglio (1350 m), to the south is Monte Pizzi (1373 m), while to the east are the mountains of Montagna Fiorita with Montarone (1278 m). Vastogirardi develops close to a hill at the top of which are the castle and the ecclesiastical complex of San Nicola di Bari. Inside the walls is the village, which appears well preserved in its original defense function, as evidenced by the cylindrical towers incorporated in factories and the supports between building blocks. The result of subsequent expansions, the churches of S. Rocco and S. Maria delle Grazie were built at the beginning of the 18th century and incorporated into the third urban expansion dating back to the 18th - 19th century. Over the course of the last century the town no longer followed the aggregation trend of stepped bands, according to the morphological trend of the site, but developed along via Garibaldi c.da Difensa (towards Castel di Sangro) and via Re d'Italia (direction Isernia).
Origins of the name
It is assumed that the name Vastogirardi originates from the name of a crusader captain, Giusto Girardi. In the past it also took the name of Castrum Girardi due to the castle (other attested toponyms are Castel Girardo, Rocca Girardo, Guasti Belardi, Guardia Giraldo and Guardia Gerardo) and subsequently its current name, deriving from an alliteration of Lombard jargon.
Fornelli, italian municipality of 1,883 inhabitants in the province of Isernia in the Molise region. It is part of the circuit of the most beautiful villages in Italy.
Isernia, Fontana Fraterna, notturne
Spectacular photographs of sunsets in Molise, Italy
Roccamandolfi. The Norman Longobard Castle
On the top of the hill on which the town is built there are the ruins of a Norman castle built on a pre-existing Lombard fortress, the subject of studies even in recent times.
Macchia d'Isernia. Glimpses and panoramas
Macchia d'Isernia is an Italian town of 1,008 inhabitants in the province of Isernia in Molise. The most important monuments are the baronial castle D'Alena and the church of San Nicola di Bari.
Isernia, the pine forest
Roccavivara, Sanctuary of S. Maria di Canneto
Surrounded by pines, in an area already inhabited in Roman times, the abbey-sanctuary of S. M. di Canneto rises isolated in the middle of an olive grove.
Termoli è un comune italiano di 32 953 abitanti della provincia di Campobasso in Molise. Termoli si trova lungo la costa adriatica. Unico porto del Molise, è centro peschereccio, turistico e industriale. Mantieni il borgo medievale chiuso all'interno delle mura che lo separano dalla città moderna.
Isernia - Chiesa di Santa Chiara
La chiesa di Santa Chiara, insieme al monastero omonimo, è stata fondata nel 1275. Allo stato attuale, però, non esistono più tracce dell'edificio originario. Nel 1809 il monastero fu soppresso, mentre verso la fine del secolo un terremoto danneggiò seriamente la chiesa, che per questo fu chiusa al culto; la riapertura avvenne il 10 ottobre 1910. Durante la Prima guerra mondiale, l'ex edificio monasteriale servì da alloggio a prigionieri austriaci e ungheresi. La chiesa custodisce la statua dell'Addolorata che, durante la processione del Venerdì Santo, viene trasportata dai portantini subito dietro a quella del Cristo morto.