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Sulmona. Church of San Filippo Neri
The construction of the church and oratory of San Filippo Neri began in the mid-17th century and was completed in 1677. However, in the beginning the congregation was based - together with that of the Jesuit Fathers - in the church of Sant'Ignazio , located in Piazza XX Settembre and no longer existing today; only later did it move to Piazza Maggiore - the current Piazza Garibaldi - within the lively and populous Borgo Pacentrano. The earthquake of 1706 forced a reconstruction of the complex, which Baron Giambattista Mazara magnanimously took charge of between 1785 and 1794, deserving the commemorative plaque placed on the right wall of the church; the adjoining convent had to assume considerable decorum, so much so that in 1796 it was even able to host King Ferdinand IV of Bourbon on a visit to the city. In 1799, with the suppression of the Filipino order, the Fathers left the city and the sacred building, abandoned and reduced to profane use, was transformed into an oven and also used for military purposes. Likewise, the oratory, confiscated by the Royal Property, had various uses and today is the headquarters of the Command of the Guardia di Finanza. Only in 1920 did the church regain its religious use, becoming the seat of the parish of Sant'Agata. From here the traditional demonstration of the Madonna fleeing into the square begins on Easter morning, the joyful conclusion of Holy Week in Sulmona.
Alfedena. Church of Saints Peter and Paul
Church of Saints Peter and Paul (13th century), is located in the western part of the town, in Largo Don Filippo Brunetti, is characterized by a Romanesque-inspired façade (13th century), was restored following the damage of the Second World War. The interior of the church is the result of the reconstruction in 1954. The large mosaics on the facade and inside were created by Fausto Conti in the 1950s.
Sulmona. Complex of the Santissima Annunziata.
The Santissima Annunziata complex is the most famous and representative monument of the city of Sulmona, declared a national monument in 1902. The main entrance to the complex is on the Annunziata square although other interesting visual glimpses of the building, especially for architectural interest, are admirable from the adjacent streets, via Pantaleo and via Paolina. The church, founded in 1320 by the confraternity of the Compenitenti together with the annexed hospital, does not retain traces of the original construction, both due to the damage suffered in the earthquake of 1456 and due to the architectural transformation interventions which radically modified the original structure of the sixteenth century. Furthermore, another ruinous seismic event, that of 1706, led to a new, important reconstruction intervention which gave the church a Baroque appearance, with an imposing façade with two orders of columns, the work of Maestro Norberto Cicco from Pescocostanzo ( 1710). The interior is divided into three naves and is covered with stuccos. Among the paintings that embellish the church are the frescoes by Giambattista Gamba on the vaults and the canvases on the side altars, among which the Pentecost of 1598 by a Florentine master and the Communion of the Apostles by Alessandro Salini stands out for their quality. The apse instead presents two works by Giuseppe Simonelli, a pupil of Luca Giordano, the Nativity and the Presentation in the temple and an Annunciation by Lazzaro Baldi, a Tuscan artist who was a pupil of Pietro da Cortona. The choir, in wood, was made by the local artist Bartolomeo Balcone between 1577 and 1579, while the part underneath the organs, in a vaguely rococo style, in carved and gilded wood, is by Ferdinando Mosca. The organs, on the other hand, are the one on the left side by Tommaso Cefalo di Vasto (1749) and the one on the right side was built by the Fedeli di Camerino in 1753. At the end of the right aisle is the altar of the Virgin, in polychrome marble, a work partly executed by the Roman artist Giacomo Spagna (1620), with subsequent contributions by artists from Pescocostanzo. On the right side, shortly after the entrance, there is the tomb of Panfilo Serafini, a Sulmona patriot who died in 1864. The sacristy has carved furniture dating back to 1643 with a series of sacred furnishings from the Baroque era and Neapolitan-made silverware; there are numerous pieces from the church that are placed on display in the local Civic Museum. The bell tower (built between 1565 and 1590, imposing, just over 65 meters high, has a square plan with sides of 7.20 m; it is built on two floors with a pyramidal spire and 4 mullioned windows on each floor. It is the bell tower and tallest tower in Abruzzo.The church was reopened for worship in December 2012 after three years of closure due to the 2009 earthquake.
The Lake of Scanno (AQ)
Lake Scanno, belonging for three quarters to the municipality of Villalago and for a quarter to that of Scanno, is located in Abruzzo, in the lower province of L'Aquila, between the Marsicani Mountains, in the upper valley of the Sagittario river, which originated for a ancient landslide that broke off from Mount Genzana above, between 12,820 and 3,000 years ago, which blocked the river Tasso.
Barrea and its lake (AQ)
Barrea is located in a mountainous area overlooking the Sangro Valley and the Barrea Lake. The inhabited center, located at an altitude of 1,060 m a.s.l., occupies a ledge at the eastern end of the lake enclosed by the steep sides of the Meta mountains to the south and Mount Greco to the north. Its territory is included in the national park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise. The lake was formed in 1951 by the damming of the Sangro river and is used for the production of electricity. The Wetland of Lake Barrea, managed by the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park Authority, has been on the list of areas provided for by the Ramsar Convention since 1976.
Rocca Calascio (AQ)
Rocca Calascio is a fortress located in Abruzzo, in the province of L'Aquila, in the territory of the municipality of Calascio, at an altitude of 1450 meters above sea level, just above the town. It is included in the Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park. It is known for the presence of the castle, one of the highest in Italy, and the ancient medieval village below, still inhabited by some inhabitants. The Rocca is considered one of the symbols of Abruzzo. The foundation of the fortress is probably due to the will of King Ruggero d'Altavilla after the Norman conquest of 1140 with a prevalent sighting function, even if the first historical document attesting its presence is dated 1239. It was part of Calascio, Castelvecchio Calvisio, Carapelle Calvisio and Santo Stefano di Sessanio of the famous Barony of Carapelle, whose historical events he followed until 1806, the year of the abolition of feudality. Over the centuries, the Pagliara, Plessis, Colonna, Celano, Caldora, Accrocciamuro, Todeschini Piccolomini, Del Pezzo, Cattaneo, Medici and Bourbon families followed one another in the domain. In particular, in 1463 it was granted by King Ferdinand to Antonio Todeschini of the Piccolomini family who modified the fortification by equipping it with a pebble wall and four cylindrical towers for military use, with a Ghibelline battlements. In 1703 it was devastated by a violent earthquake following which the highest area of ​​the village was abandoned and a large part of the population moved to the nearby town of Calascio. In the twentieth century, even the last remaining families left the village and the fortress remained uninhabited. At the end of the century, however, also in the wake of the success deriving from the setting of some films (above all Lady Hawke of 1985 and The Name of the Rose of 1986), some houses were recovered and others were converted to accommodation facilities; Furthermore, the castle has undergone an important restoration and consolidation operation and is now one of the main tourist attractions in the area, thanks to the work of two spouses and their family who have opened a widespread hotel just below the castle.
Palena, Church of San Falco and Sant'Antonino
Parish church of the town, it was built in the 12th century, after the earthquake of 1706, it was built again, however maintaining the 14th century bell tower
Panoramas of Abruzzo
Abruzzo is an Italian region located east of Rome, between the Adriatic and the Apennines. The hinterland consists largely of national parks and nature reserves. The region also includes medieval and Renaissance villages perched on the hills. The regional capital, L'Aquila, is a walled city, damaged by the earthquake of 2009. The Costa dei Trabocchi, with its sandy coves, takes its name from the traditional fishing piers.
Civitella del Tronto. The Church of S. M. degli Angeli
Wedged between the alleys of the village, the Church of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Civitella del Tronto is, according to some historical sources, the oldest church in the town.
Palena. Glimpses of autumn
Palena is an Italian municipality of 1,224 inhabitants in the province of Chieti in Abruzzo, and is the seat of the union of the eastern Maiella-Verde Aventino mountain municipalities.
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