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Archaeological complex of the Cathedral of Isernia.
This complex testifies to what remains of the Italic temple from the second half of the third century. BC, preserved thanks to the fact that what is now the cathedral of Isernia was built on it.
Macchia d'Isernia. Baronial castle D'Alena. View
Baronial castle of Alena: the castle occupies a substantial portion of the ancient circular village. It was built around 1100 by Clementina, daughter of Roger II Norman, king of Sicily, when the feud was part of the county of Ugone del Molise. The garrison passed into the hands of the Anjou, the Afflitto and the Rotondi barons. In 1480 it was restored in Renaissance style as a patrician residence, purchased by Giovanni Donato della Marra, who was count of Macchia. In 1748 the castle was sold to Maria Grazia Rotondi, then given to Nicola d'Alena. Celeste d'Alena was baroness of Macchia, married to the Frisaris, counts of Bisceglie and patricians of Castel San Vincenzo. The façade of the building dominates the square in front of the village, embellished by a Renaissance loggia with round arches. The first part of this loggia dates back to the Aragonese era, with a roof resting on 5 small arches. The rest of the castle is spread over 3 levels, of which the highest is the attic. In the internal courtyard, the beautiful Renaissance staircase with the colonnade stands out, which leads to the main floors. On the ground floor there are cellars, stables and servants' rooms. The upper floor was the residence of the nobles, with various rooms, including the private chapel with various relics. In 1984 the castle was extensively restored, being brought back to its eighteenth-century splendour.
Isernia. The Church of S. Francesco
The Church of S. Francesco, with the adjoining Monastery of the Conventual Fathers, was built in 1256 and completed in 1267.On the left there is the chapel of S. Antonio, built in 1450.
Capracotta, winter 2022
Capracotta is an Italian town of 833 inhabitants in the province of Isernia, in Molise. It suffered great destruction during the Second World War and from the second half of the twentieth century it developed on the tourist level as a Molise ski resort together with Campitello Matese. Located at 1,421 meters above sea level, it is, from a geographical point of view, one of the highest areas of the Apennines as well as being the highest municipality in Molise. The town is located on the parallel 41 ½ and on the meridian of Castel dell'Ovo and extends between the countryside of Pescopennataro and Sant'Angelo del Pesco to the north, that of Agnone to the east, of Vastogirardi to the south and S. Pietro Avellana and Castel del Giudice. The highest point in the municipal area is the summit of Monte Campo at 1746 m a.s.l. Downstream of the town, towards the south, are the sources of the Verrino, a tributary of the river Trigno. Just outside the town, on the road to Pescopennataro, is the "Garden of Apennine Flora", a high altitude botanical garden that collects notable floral and tree species from central and southern Italy. Capracotta is an important climatic and ski resort. It has two important facilities: one for alpine skiing, in Monte Capraro, with a chairlift; the other for cross-country skiing in Prato Gentile: the latter facility was the site of the Absolute Italian Cross-Country Skiing Championships in 1997.
Castelpetroso. The Sanctuary - 2020
Castelpetroso is home to the Shrine of Maria Santissima Sorrows, patron saint of Molise. According to the testimony of the visionaries, the Virgin Mary first appeared on March 22, 1888 to two shepherds named Serafina and Bibiana in Cesa between Saints, on the slopes of Mount Patalecchia. This first appearance was followed by others. This phenomenon was later recognized. The shrine, which began with the laying of the first stone on September 28, 1890 and completed in 1975, is made in the neo-Gothic style; seen from above is composed of seven chapels depicting the seven sorrows of Our Lady, in the center of which there is the dome 54 meters high. The shrine and the place of apparitions are connected to each other by the Via Matris, 750 meters long, where precisely remember the seven Marian sorrows.
Venafro, cimitero militare francese
Uscendo dalla città lungo la Strada statale 85 Venafrana direzione Isernia, su un'estesa zona pianeggiante (70.000 m²) si trova il cimitero di guerra francese, nel quale sono sepolti circa 6000 tombe di soldati del Corps Expeditionnaire Français (ma molte sono state esumate), di cui circa due terzi di origine marocchina, algerina e tunisina, oltre ad alcuni africani (senegalesi?), caduti in gran parte durante la battaglia di Cassino (nov.1943-mag.1944) e nell'aggiramento di Montecassino.
Molise, Italy. Landscape on a late summer afternoon
Molise is an Italian mountainous region with a stretch of coast overlooking the Adriatic Sea. It includes a part of the Abruzzo National Park in the Apennine mountain range, with a rich wildlife.
Molise - Fornelli (IS)
Fornelli (Furnièllè in molisano) è un comune italiano di 1.905 abitanti della provincia di Isernia nel Molise. Fa parte del circuito dei Borghi più belli d'Italia. È città dell'olio. Giace in parte su una collina lambita dal torrente Vandra, che confluisce nel Volturno, e in parte sul monte Cervaro, ove supera i 1000 metri. Il nome gli deriva forse da un forno per la produzione di laterizi cotti presente nell'antichità nel paese e al servizio della Badia di San Vincenzo. Fornelli, infatti, è caratterizzato da un terreno ricco di argilla.
Molise, winter 2022
Molise - Pietrabbondante (IS) Il Teatro Italico
Il teatro e tempio italico di Pietrabbondante fanno parte di una vasta area archeologica ricadente nel territorio comunale di Pietrabbondante, in provincia di Isernia, nella regione Molise. Ubicati a circa m. 966 di altitudine s.l.m. essi occupano un ripido declivio che si affaccia sulla valle del Trigno, in località Calcatello, a circa un chilometro di distanza, in linea d'aria, dalla vetta del monte Saraceno. La zona non è attraversata da alcun tracciato stradale di grande comunicazione; sono individuabili tracce di un antico sentiero esistente tra il moderno abitato di Pietrabbondante ed il vicino monte Saraceno, già praticato in antico, una direttrice stradale che ancora oggi segue l’andamento del ripido pendio e, costeggiando il lato orientale del monte, rappresenta l’unica via di accesso all'area fortificata posta in vetta. L’area sacra rappresenta, per le sue caratteristiche architettoniche e per la sua monumentalità, la testimonianza archeologica di maggior rilievo della cultura della popolazione italica dei Samnites Pentri, e la sua esplorazione sistematica ha consentito di ricostruire le vicende storiche del territorio attraverso i secoli ed ha fornito una quantità rilevante di dati sul più importante luogo di culto dello stato sannitico.
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