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Molise is an Italian mountainous region with a stretch of coast overlooking the Adriatic Sea. It includes a part of the Abruzzo National Park in the Apennine mountain range, with a rich wildlife and trails. The regional capital, Campobasso, is known for the Monforte Castle, located on a mountain, and for the Romanesque churches. To the north is the archaeological area of Pietrabbondante with an ancient theater and a Samnite temple.
Capracotta. Parish Church of S. Maria in Cielo Assunta
It is located on the highest part of the town, in the Terra Vecchia district, and was the seat of the collegiate church. It is not known what the current church was like, which is the result of a total renovation in 1725. The antiquity of the church is testified by a bas-relief of the bell tower, which bears the symbol of the Tree of Life, from the Renaissance period, the adjacent walls, with the portal of the chapel of the Visitation, show holes for the bells. The stone bell tower, with a square plan, has its current appearance, the result of the restoration of 1898. The baptismal font in walnut wood, with gold decorations, restored in 1980, and a stone font can also be attributed to the archaic church. In the 18th century the civic coat of arms was moved to the main altar by the Town Hall, and the church became the symbol of the entire Capracottese community.
Pescolanciano. D’Alessandro Castle
The D'Alessandro castle is a fortified structure in the municipality of Pescolanciano. The castle was built on the rocky spur (peschio) that overlooks the town near a Samnite fortification.
Miranda (IS)
Miranda è un comune italiano di 1.022 abitanti della provincia di Isernia in Molise. Un primo insediamento umano nell'area dell'attuale comune è da far risalire probabilmente all'XI secolo, come testimonia la facies normanna del castello che si erge sul promontorio prece, di cui tuttavia sopravvivono pochi elementi architettonici. Attorno ad esso si struttura il nucleo originario del paese, inframezzato da vari muraglioni che individuano i successivi strati abitativi costruiti a partire dalla fortezza primaria. Le scarne documentazioni relative al feudo di Miranda testimoniano un fitto passaggio di proprietà tra varie famiglie nobili, tra cui i partenopei Di Somma, il cui stemma familiare costituito da due torri erte su fondo marino è ancora oggi il simbolo ufficiale del comune.
Isernia - Ponte S. Spirito
Sepino (CB) - Saepinum
Castelpetroso. Sanctuary of the Madonna Addolorata
The basilica sanctuary of Maria Santissima Addolorata, or simply the Addolorata basilica is an important Catholic place of worship located in the municipality of Castelpetroso, in the province of Isernia, and belonging to the archdiocese of Campobasso-Boiano. According to the testimony of the visionaries, the Virgin Mary appeared for the first time on March 22, 1888 to two shepherdesses named Serafina and Bibiana in the locality of Cesa tra Santi, on the slopes of Mount Patalecchia. This first apparition was followed by others and, following the recognition of this phenomenon, Pope Paul VI proclaimed Maria Santissima Addolorata of Castelpetroso patroness of Molise on 6 December 1973. In the 1890s, it was decided to build a sanctuary near the place of the apparitions, but further downstream from this, so that it would be more easily accessible by pilgrims. The project was entrusted to Giuseppe Gualandi, whose death (1944) was succeeded by his son Francesco. On 28 September 1890 the first stone was laid and construction of the sanctuary began. It proceeded slowly due to economic problems and the two world wars: in 1907 the chapel of the Poles was finished and opened for worship, but the perimeter walls of the church were completed only in 1950, thanks to donations from don Nicolino Passarelli, canon theologian of the cathedral of Venafro, lawyer of the Sacra Rota and professor. In the following decades the sanctuary was completed and consecrated on 21 September 1975 by the bishop of Boiano-Campobasso Alberto Carinci.
Frosolone (IS)
Frosolone con i suoi 3.250 abitanti circa è situato a m 894 sul livello del mare. Visibili da lontano, mentre continuano a girare, come gigantesche girandole lasciate lì chissà da quali bambini stanchi di giocare, i pali del campo prova eolico annunciano che ci stiamo avvicinando a Frosolone e alla sua montagna. E poi i profumi, il verde, l'aria pura e pungente. L'ambiente montano è un sorprendente "mare di verde", uno scrigno prezioso che raccoglie meraviglie dove alberi secolari, stagni e laghetti, cucuzzoli e paesaggi scoscesi, rocce bianche e rifugi, sanno accogliere sapientemente valori paesaggistici (floristici e faunistici) miracolosamente inviolati fino ai nostri giorni. Tutti i mesi dell'anno vanno bene e qualsiasi stagione è buona per visitare la montagna di Frosolone, perché ogni periodo dell'anno è buono per fruire e godere delle sue bellezze. Quassù, su questi monti, anche a più di mille metri sono riusciti a vegetare alberi di faggio e la faggeta di Monte Marchetta e di Colle dell'Orso rappresenta uno dei rari esempi in cui questa specie vegetale è riuscita a convivere felicemente con il clima di queste altitudini. Il più grosso rappresentante vivente è il maestoso faggio del Pedalone, vero e proprio colosso botanico vecchio più di cento anni e alto più di quaranta metri. Proprio in ogni stagione dell'anno, lo spettacolo che offre il Bosco della Grisciata è davvero impareggiabile e ci accompagna fino ai verdi prati e poi alla Valle della Contessa ricoperta di arbusti di uva spina e di siepi di rosa canina.
Macchia d'Isernia. Baronial castle D'Alena
The castle occupies a substantial portion of the ancient circular village. It was built around 1100 by Clementina, daughter of Ruggero II Normanno, king of Sicily, when the fiefdom was part of the county of Ugone del Molise. The garrison passed into the hands of the Anjou, the Afflitto and the Rotondi barons. In 1480 it was restored in the Renaissance style as a patrician residence, purchased by Giovanni Donato della Marra, who was count of Macchia. In 1748 the castle was sold to Maria Grazia Rotondi, then sold to Nicola d'Alena. Celeste d'Alena was baroness of Macchia, married to the Frisari, counts of Bisceglie and patricians of Castel San Vincenzo. The façade of the building dominates the square in front of the village, embellished by a Renaissance loggia with round arches. The first part of this loggia dates back to the Aragonese period, with a roof resting on 5 small arches. The rest of the castle is spread over 3 levels, the highest of which is the attic. In the inner courtyard the beautiful Renaissance staircase with the colonnade, which leads to the noble floors, stands out. On the ground floor there are the cellars, the stables and the servants' rooms. The upper floor was the home of the nobles, with various rooms, including the private chapel with different relics. In 1984 the castle was fully restored, being brought back to its eighteenth-century splendor.
Molise - Abbazia di San Vincenzo al Volturno (IS)
L'abbazia di San Vincenzo al Volturno è una storica abbazia benedettina posta nel territorio dei comuni di Castel San Vincenzo e di Rocchetta a Volturno in Provincia di Isernia, nell'Alta Valle del Volturno
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