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Agnone (Agnèune in dialetto locale) è un comune italiano di 4 957 abitanti della provincia di Isernia in Molise. Fino al 1811, per circa 600 anni, Agnone e il suo circondario sono sempre stati parte integrante del Giustizierato d'Abruzzo e dell'Abruzzo Citra, nel distretto di Lanciano. Antica città sannita, è sede del più antico stabilimento al mondo per la fabbricazione delle campane (Pontificia fonderia di campane Marinelli), fondato intorno all'anno 1000 e tra i pochi che possano fregiarsi dell'onore di utilizzare per i propri prodotti lo stemma pontificio. Agnone è una cittadina di circa 5000 abitanti ubicata nell'Alto Molise. Si trova a 830 m di altitudine sul livello del mare, circondato da un paesaggio montuoso rivestito da boschi e praterie.
Cerro al Volturno. Winter 2022
Cerro al Volturno (Cièrrë in Molise) is an Italian town of 1 194 inhabitants in the province of Isernia in Molise, about 20 km from the border with Abruzzo. The municipality is also simply called Cerro because of its territory rich in oak woods, among which the Cerro, Quercus cerris, stands out. The Cerrese territory is on the border with the National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise. The climate is mainly of the Apennine type: cool and rainy autumn, cold and snowy winter and mild summer. The town was founded by the Samnites (III century BC), of which fortifications remain at Mount Santa Croce. In medieval times the hill of the present village was colonized by peasants (9th century), since the fiefdom depended on the nearby Abbey of San Vincenzo al Volturno. The origin of the community itself is linked to the influence of the abbey of San Vincenzo al Volturno, one of the oldest Benedictine monasteries in the Kingdom of Naples and in the land of San Pietro, together with Montecassino and Farfa. Cerro already existed since 899, as evidenced in the Chrnicon Vulturnense, when Roffredo, abbot of San Vincenzo led the first peasant colony to cultivate the lands in the place of Cerrum, from the name of the oak trees. The 11th century Norman castle was later owned by the Filangieri, Borrello and Cantelmo di Popoli family, until the 15th century, when it passed to the Pandone family, who renovated it extensively. In the following centuries the feud belonged to various families, including the Carafa. In 1811 the village passed to the territory of Benevento, and only in 1861 was it included again in Molise, first linked to the territory of Piedimonte Matese, and then to the area of Castellone Volturno, i.e. Castel San Vincenzo. Since 1970 it has been part of the province of Isernia.
Rocchetta al Volturno
Rocchetta a Volturno is an Italian town of 1 098 inhabitants in the province of Isernia in Molise. The Municipality of Rocchetta al Volturno is made up of two nuclei: the original village, called Rocchetta Alta, or Rocchetta Vecchia, still perched in a defensive position on the mountain, and Rocchetta Nuova, which is located at a lower altitude. The new Rocchetta was born because, at the end of the 19th century, the slope that connected the southern part of the ancient town with the opposite hill was deforested and the land began to show serious subsidence from 1890 due to the progressive sliding of the superimposed layers of clay and sandstone, increased by water infiltrations, both rain and spring. In 1905, following further disastrous events, the population moved for the most part downstream, where there was a hamlet called Case Sparse. The modern town is developed today in the center of a plateau, bordered to the west by the terminal part of the Mainarde chain and to the east by a depression, at the bottom of which the Volturno flows; about two kilometers away are the sources of the river. Its name characterizes the toponyms of other nearby municipalities such as Colli a Volturno and Cerro al Volturno.
Molise, autumn 2022
Carpinone. Il Castello
The Castle of Carpinone was probably built in the Norman period and from the time of its construction until the end of the thirteenth century the building was repeatedly enlarged and equipped with greater fortifications to become one of the strongholds of Tommaso da Celano. In 1223, on the basis of an edict issued by Frederick II of Swabia, the castle was destroyed by Ruggiero di Pescolanciano. It was then rebuilt during the 14th century by the d'Evoli family and during the 15th century it returned to its former glory thanks to the commitment of Giacomo Caldora. The last family that bought the fiefdom, that of the de Riso, maintained it until the abolition of feudalism, in 1806. In 1954 the notary Valente, one of the last owners, had the entire main floor and the second floor rebuilt, adapting them to new housing needs. Currently the castle is presented, with its three surviving towers, in a state of evident majesty.
Isernia. The "Fraternal Fountain"
Isernia, Church of S. Maria Assunta
La Chiesa, in stile moderno, si trova nel centro cittadino della parte nuova ed è facilmente raggiungibile da ogni punto. Essa stessa rappresenta un punto di riferimento urbano per muoversi all'interno della città.
Rionero Sannitico. Church of San Bartolomeo Apostolo
Mother church of San Bartolomeo Apostolo. Formerly dedicated to S. Maria Assunta in cielo. Its shape is a Latin cross, with three naves separated by two rows of columns.
Miranda (IS)
Miranda è un comune italiano di 1.022 abitanti della provincia di Isernia in Molise. Un primo insediamento umano nell'area dell'attuale comune è da far risalire probabilmente all'XI secolo, come testimonia la facies normanna del castello che si erge sul promontorio prece, di cui tuttavia sopravvivono pochi elementi architettonici. Attorno ad esso si struttura il nucleo originario del paese, inframezzato da vari muraglioni che individuano i successivi strati abitativi costruiti a partire dalla fortezza primaria. Le scarne documentazioni relative al feudo di Miranda testimoniano un fitto passaggio di proprietà tra varie famiglie nobili, tra cui i partenopei Di Somma, il cui stemma familiare costituito da due torri erte su fondo marino è ancora oggi il simbolo ufficiale del comune.
Castel San Vincenzo. The lake. Winter 2022
Castel San Vincenzo, Isernia, Molise, Italy. The lake. It is an artificial reservoir built at the end of the fifties for hydroelectric purposes. It occupies an area of 6.140 km². The lake of Castel San Vincenzo is an artificial reservoir built in the late 1950s for hydroelectric purposes. The lake occupies an area of 0.614 km² and has a useful capacity of 10 million cubic meters. The waters that feed the lake come mainly from the streams of the Montagna Spaccata in the nearby municipalities of Alfedena and Barrea. The waters of these streams feed the Enel power stations in Pizzone, Rocchetta a Volturno and Colli a Volturno. Although artificial, the lake is well harmonized with the surrounding landscape of mountains and woods. The aquatic fauna consists mainly of salmonids. Near the lake, where it is possible to engage in fishing and other water sports, there is an area equipped for camping and a riding stable.
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