Pescopennataro. Glimpses of summer
Pescopennataro is an Italian town of 244 inhabitants in the province of Isernia, in Molise. Until 1790 it was an integral part of the Giustizierato d'Abruzzo and of the Abruzzi Citrior.
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Carpinone. The waterfalls. Spring 2024
In the heart of a very small village in Molise, immersed in an enchanted forest and floral nature, stands the Carpinone waterfall, one of the most fascinating natural spectacles of the place. The rush of foaming water, which rushes downwards, pervades you as soon as you take the path and when you finally reach it you have a fantastic visual effect of light and roar. The Carpinone waterfall is becoming one of the major natural attractions of Molise, thanks also to a group of volunteers who, for some years, have been taking care of its appearance to make it accessible to everyone and not just to the few enthusiasts or those who despise the danger... She's too beautiful to leave there alone! It was born as a gift from nature and can be reached by following various paths, all immersed in the bright greenery of Molise and all marked with hand-made wooden signs, so as not to affect the suggestive panorama. As you walk, you feel a very pleasant emotion thanks to the direct contact with nature, the breathing of healthy, clean air and the sight of wonderful floral species that make everything fairytale-like.
Bagnoli del Trigno (IS)
Bagnoli del Trigno (Vagnuolë in molisano) è un comune italiano di 708 abitanti della provincia di Isernia in Molise. Le origini del paese sono ignote[3] e si fanno risalire a diverse leggende, secondo le quali Bagnoli sarebbe stata fondata in una da un Duca che si abbevera nelle acque del Trigno, in un'altra con la costruzione di agglomerati urbani intorno a una sorgente termale (Balneoli, da cui il nome) e infine da alcune tribù per trovare riparo dalle invasioni barbariche. Le prime notizie storiche risalgono al medioevo, quando il feudo era parte del Contado del Molise. Successivamente, dopo una serie di passaggi di proprietà anche tra signori francesi e spagnoli, diventa parte del Regno di Napoli e successivamente del Regno d'Italia. Con il novecento il paese ha visto un forte spopolamento a causa dell'emigrazione, soprattutto a Roma dove molti bagnolesi svolgono il lavoro di tassisti. Da uno studio effettuato dall'associazione "Forche Caudine" nel 2013 risulta che vivono più bagnolesi a Roma (circa un migliaio) rispetto ai residenti in paese.
Carpinone. Il Castello
The Castle of Carpinone was probably built in the Norman period and from the time of its construction until the end of the thirteenth century the building was repeatedly enlarged and equipped with greater fortifications to become one of the strongholds of Tommaso da Celano. In 1223, on the basis of an edict issued by Frederick II of Swabia, the castle was destroyed by Ruggiero di Pescolanciano. It was then rebuilt during the 14th century by the d'Evoli family and during the 15th century it returned to its former glory thanks to the commitment of Giacomo Caldora. The last family that bought the fiefdom, that of the de Riso, maintained it until the abolition of feudalism, in 1806. In 1954 the notary Valente, one of the last owners, had the entire main floor and the second floor rebuilt, adapting them to new housing needs. Currently the castle is presented, with its three surviving towers, in a state of evident majesty.
Isernia, Fontana Fraterna, notturne
Carpinone. Caldora castle.
The castle was built in the 11th century, in the shape of an irregular pentagon, bordered by 5 towers, above the ravine overlooking the Carpino river. In 1223 it was destroyed by Ruggero da Pescolanciano.
Capracotta (IS)
Capracotta è un comune italiano di 871 abitanti della provincia di Isernia, in Molise. Si trova a 1.421 metri sul livello del mare ed è, dopo Rocca di Cambio, il comune più alto dell'Appennino. Ha fatto parte del Regno di Napolie del Regno delle Due Sicilie. Nonostante le origini medievali, il borgo ha un aspetto moderno a causa della ricostruzione dovuta ai danni della Seconda guerra mondiale, eccetto alcuni monumenti come le chiese. Dagli anni '50 in poi è iniziata a diventare una delle principali stazioni sciistiche molisane, assieme a Campitello Matese, determinando lo sviluppo economico e turistico.
Rocchetta in Volturno. Sanctuary of S. M. delle Grotte
Of Benedictine architecture, between the 13th and 14th centuries the Sanctuary, which is flanked by a monastery, represents a complex of very significant religious importance.
Isernia. The Church of S. Francesco
The Church of S. Francesco, with the adjoining Monastery of the Conventual Fathers, was built in 1256 and completed in 1267.On the left there is the chapel of S. Antonio, built in 1450.
Isernia, the Cathedral
The cathedral of San Pietro Apostolo is the most important Catholic church in the city of Isernia, mother church of the diocese of Isernia-Venafro and seat of the parish of the same name. It is located in Piazza Andrea d'Isernia, in the historic center of the city and stands on an ancient Italic pagan temple from the 3rd century BC; its present appearance is the result of numerous interventions, carried out both after the numerous earthquakes, and as a result of renovation projects of the building.
Isernia, la Cattedrale, notturne