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Isernia, scorci
Rocchetta al Volturno
Rocchetta a Volturno is an Italian town of 1 098 inhabitants in the province of Isernia in Molise. The Municipality of Rocchetta al Volturno is made up of two nuclei: the original village, called Rocchetta Alta, or Rocchetta Vecchia, still perched in a defensive position on the mountain, and Rocchetta Nuova, which is located at a lower altitude. The new Rocchetta was born because, at the end of the 19th century, the slope that connected the southern part of the ancient town with the opposite hill was deforested and the land began to show serious subsidence from 1890 due to the progressive sliding of the superimposed layers of clay and sandstone, increased by water infiltrations, both rain and spring. In 1905, following further disastrous events, the population moved for the most part downstream, where there was a hamlet called Case Sparse. The modern town is developed today in the center of a plateau, bordered to the west by the terminal part of the Mainarde chain and to the east by a depression, at the bottom of which the Volturno flows; about two kilometers away are the sources of the river. Its name characterizes the toponyms of other nearby municipalities such as Colli a Volturno and Cerro al Volturno.
Macchiagodena. Church of San Lorenzo.
The church of San Lorenzo is located near the Castle. Initially the structure was used as a convent, until it was abolished in 1866.
Rocchetta a Volturno. Winter 2022
Rocchetta a Volturno is an Italian town of 1 098 inhabitants in the province of Isernia in Molise. The Municipality of Rocchetta al Volturno is made up of two nuclei: the original village, called Rocchetta Alta, or Rocchetta Vecchia, still perched in a defensive position on the mountain, and Rocchetta Nuova, which is located at a lower altitude. The new Rocchetta was born because, at the end of the 19th century, the slope that connected the southern part of the ancient town with the opposite hill was deforested and the land began to show serious subsidence from 1890 due to the progressive sliding of the superimposed layers of clay and sandstone, increased by water infiltrations, both rain and spring. In 1905, following further disastrous events, the population moved for the most part downstream, where there was a hamlet called Case Sparse. The modern town is developed today in the center of a plateau, bordered to the west by the terminal part of the Mainarde chain and to the east by a depression, at the bottom of which the Volturno flows; about two kilometers away are the sources of the river. Its name characterizes the toponyms of other nearby municipalities such as Colli a Volturno and Cerro al Volturno.
Carpinone. Caldora castle.
The castle was built in the 11th century, in the shape of an irregular pentagon, bordered by 5 towers, above the ravine overlooking the Carpino river. In 1223 it was destroyed by Ruggero da Pescolanciano.
Carpinone is an Italian town of 1,075 inhabitants in the province of Isernia in Molise. The name derives from the Carpino river that runs along the center, or from the Carpinus plant.
Roccavivara (CB) Santuario della Madonna del Canneto
La chiesa giunta ai nostri giorni risale ai secoli XI-XII, ha pianta a croce latina, con tre absidi. La facciata non ha elementi decorativi rilevanti, se non un bassorilievo sulla lunetta del portale. Nei muri esterni della chiesa sono inserite lapidi e varie iscrizioni di epoca romana e medievale, mentre, sulla destra, si leva una possente campanile, ultimato nel 1329 ad opera dell'Abate Nicola, consistente in una torre merlata di stampo gotico con trifore sulle arcate. L'interno della chiesa è austero e a tre navate, ciascuna terminante con un'abside semicircolare. Lungo la navata centrale è collocato un pregevole ambone, finemente decorato, realizzato nel 1223, in parte con materiali di reimpiego più antichi. L’ambone è sostenuto da tre archi disuguali e, sotto il parapetto, si aprono sette piccole edicole: quella centrale doveva sostenere un’aquila che, con le sue ali spiegate, fungeva da leggio. Le altre sono occupate da sei monaci in altorilievo, intenti alle attività che rappresentano la regola monastica dell’ora et labora. Dietro l'altare maggiore è collocata la statua della Madonna di Canneto, risalente al XIV secolo, in stile gotico, e conosciuta anche come la Vergine del Sorriso. Nell’area adiacente la chiesa, sono presenti scavi archeologici che hanno riportato alla luce resti di una Villa romana del I secolo d.C.
Isernia, Il convento celestino di S. Spirito
Roccasicura. Church of St. Leonard of Limoges
Founded by the Longobards, it has maintained the old appearance of a small chapel with a single nave. The portal retains its 12th century appearance with a simple arch and lunette.
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