Opi (Opjë IPA: [ˈopjə], in Opian dialect) is a town of about 408 inhabitants in the province of L'Aquila in Abruzzo. Its medieval village is included in the protected area of the national park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise. It is one of the most beautiful villages in Italy. The town is located in the middle of the mountainous group of the Marsicani Mountains, in the center of a mountainous amphitheater formed to the north-east by Monte Marsicano (2,245 m asl) and to the south-east by Monte Amaro (1,862 m) and Monte Petroso (2,249 m asl) . The main watercourse that crosses the municipal territory is the Sangro river that rises on the slopes of Mount Morrone del Diavolo (1,602 m a.s.l.), in the locality of Gioia Vecchio di Gioia dei Marsi. The Sangro, after crossing a flat area called Le Prata, enters a gorge between the Opi hill (1,250 m a.s.l.) and Monte Marrone (1,354 m a.s.l.) from where it continues its path along the upper Sangro valley. The Fondillo stream, one of the first tributaries of the Sangro river, which gives its name to the valley of the same name, arises from one of the numerous karst springs present in the Opiano territory. The rugged nature of the wooded mountains has allowed the survival of a rich and varied fauna.