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Marina di Minturno (LT) - Parte II
Gaeta, Lazio, the Split Mountain.
According to the most famous legend, the Montagna Spaccata di Gaeta split into two large blocks of rock at the time of Christ's crucifixion, leaving an inlet to the clear waters of the Gulf. The waters of the Mediterranean poured into the rupture lines, forming underground caves and streams. The natural recess became an ideal hiding place for pirates since ancient times.
Benedictine Abbey of Montecassino (FR)
The abbey of Montecassino is a Benedictine monastery located on the top of Montecassino, in Lazio. Since December 2014 the site has been managed by the Polo Museale del Lazio. The abbey of Montecassino is the oldest monastery in Italy together with the monastery of Santa Scolastica.
The Charterhouse of Trisulti
Trisulti Charterhouse is a monastery located in the municipality of Collepardo, in the province of Frosinone. It is recognized as a national monument in 1879.
Terracina, Temple of Jupiter Anxur
The temple of Jupiter Anxur is a Roman temple built on an imposing construction of the 1st century BC. on Mount Sant'Angelo, in the city of Terracina, in the province of Latina.
Marina di Minturno (LT) - Parte V
Posta Fibreno (FR) - The Nature Reserve
The Lago di Posta Fibreno regional nature reserve is one of the regional nature reserves established by the Lazio Region and managed in collaboration with the municipal administration of Posta Fibreno. It is famous for hiding a real floating island in the vegetation of the reeds, already mentioned by Pliny the Elder in his Naturalis historia. It was established in 1983. Managed in collaboration with the WWF until 1999, it is currently administered by the Lazio Region and the Municipality of Posta Fibreno which regulates the recruitment of personnel and the management of the budget. It extends for about 400 hectares completely within the limits of the municipal territory of Posta Fibreno, located on the Lazio side of the National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise in the Province of Frosinone and includes the surface of the homonymous lake (about 300 m asl), the southern and eastern shores, the banks of the Rio Carpello and part of the hilly area (max 500 meters above sea level) between the localities of Carpello and Vallone della Pica on the border with the municipalities of Campoli Appennino and Broccostella. The naturalization of the territory occupies an increasingly large area but the western shore of the lake is very urbanized due to the development of ancient rural settlements and a weak tourist reception activity (mainly catering). The hamlet of Casalvittoria grows to the south, joining the historic center of Posta Fibreno with the former Vandra state road and the Avezzano-Sora-Cassino highway.
Gaeta (LT)
Gaeta is an Italian town of 20 545 inhabitants in the province of Latina in southern Lazio, belonging to the historical-geographical region of the Terra di Lavoro. It rises in the homonymous gulf on the Tyrrhenian Sea and is about 90 km from Naples and 120 km from Rome. The Garigliano and Volturno rivers flow into the Gulf of Gaeta, which extends from the Circeo promontory to Capo Miseno.
Roma. Papal Major Basilica of St. Peter in the Vatican
St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican, officially the Papal Major Basilica of St. Peter in the Vatican, is a Roman Catholic basilica located in St. Peter's Square in the Vatican City state; it is a masterpiece of Italian art and one of the symbols of Rome, of which it dominates the panorama. It is the largest of Rome's four papal basilicas and is often described as the largest church in the world both for its size and, metaphorically, for its importance as a center of Catholicism. However, it is not the cathedral church of the Roman diocese since this title belongs to the basilica of San Giovanni in Laterano, which is also the first in dignity being the Mother and Head of all the Churches of the City and of the World. As a papal chapel, located adjacent to the Apostolic Palace, St. Peter's Basilica is the seat of the main manifestations of Catholic worship and is therefore in solemn function on the occasion of the main papal celebrations. Under the pontificate of Pius IX it hosted the sessions of the First Vatican Council and under Pope John XXIII and Paul VI those of the Second Vatican Council. In addition to its liturgical importance, due to its thousand-year history, the workers involved, the exceptional technical and artistic quality, as well as the enormous and lasting influence it exerted on later architecture, St. Peter's basilica is widely considered one of the absolute masterpieces and one of the most important achievements in the history of architecture, and is included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site called Vatican City and established in 1984.
Posta Fibreno lake nature reserve, Frosinone
The Posta Fibreno lake is located in the Comino Valley. In addition to its endemic fauna, the lake is known for the presence of a natural floating island already described by Plinio il Vecchio.
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