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Rocchetta al Volturno
Rocchetta a Volturno is an Italian town of 1 098 inhabitants in the province of Isernia in Molise. The Municipality of Rocchetta al Volturno is made up of two nuclei: the original village, called Rocchetta Alta, or Rocchetta Vecchia, still perched in a defensive position on the mountain, and Rocchetta Nuova, which is located at a lower altitude. The new Rocchetta was born because, at the end of the 19th century, the slope that connected the southern part of the ancient town with the opposite hill was deforested and the land began to show serious subsidence from 1890 due to the progressive sliding of the superimposed layers of clay and sandstone, increased by water infiltrations, both rain and spring. In 1905, following further disastrous events, the population moved for the most part downstream, where there was a hamlet called Case Sparse. The modern town is developed today in the center of a plateau, bordered to the west by the terminal part of the Mainarde chain and to the east by a depression, at the bottom of which the Volturno flows; about two kilometers away are the sources of the river. Its name characterizes the toponyms of other nearby municipalities such as Colli a Volturno and Cerro al Volturno.
Isernia, aurora
Capracotta (IS)
Capracotta è un comune italiano di 871 abitanti della provincia di Isernia, in Molise. Si trova a 1.421 metri sul livello del mare ed è, dopo Rocca di Cambio, il comune più alto dell'Appennino. Ha fatto parte del Regno di Napolie del Regno delle Due Sicilie. Nonostante le origini medievali, il borgo ha un aspetto moderno a causa della ricostruzione dovuta ai danni della Seconda guerra mondiale, eccetto alcuni monumenti come le chiese. Dagli anni '50 in poi è iniziata a diventare una delle principali stazioni sciistiche molisane, assieme a Campitello Matese, determinando lo sviluppo economico e turistico.
The Church - cave of St. Michael the Archangel
The Grotta di San Michele Arcangelo, rebuilt and enlarged in 1890 on the remains of the ancient church. In it the pilgrim can experience the link between man and nature.
Isernia - La Cattedrale di S. Pietro Apostolo
La cattedrale di San Pietro Apostolo è l'edificio di culto cattolico più importante della città di Isernia, chiesa madre della diocesi di Isernia-Venafro e sede dell'omonima parrocchia. Si trova in piazza Andrea d'Isernia, nel centro storico della città e sorge su un antico tempio pagano italico del III secolo a.C.; il suo aspetto odierno è il risultato di numerosi interventi, effettuati sia dopo i numerosi terremoti, sia in seguito a progetti di rinnovamento dell'edificio.
Capracotta, winter 2022
Capracotta is an Italian town of 833 inhabitants in the province of Isernia, in Molise. It suffered great destruction during the Second World War and from the second half of the twentieth century it developed on the tourist level as a Molise ski resort together with Campitello Matese. Located at 1,421 meters above sea level, it is, from a geographical point of view, one of the highest areas of the Apennines as well as being the highest municipality in Molise. The town is located on the parallel 41 ½ and on the meridian of Castel dell'Ovo and extends between the countryside of Pescopennataro and Sant'Angelo del Pesco to the north, that of Agnone to the east, of Vastogirardi to the south and S. Pietro Avellana and Castel del Giudice. The highest point in the municipal area is the summit of Monte Campo at 1746 m a.s.l. Downstream of the town, towards the south, are the sources of the Verrino, a tributary of the river Trigno. Just outside the town, on the road to Pescopennataro, is the "Garden of Apennine Flora", a high altitude botanical garden that collects notable floral and tree species from central and southern Italy. Capracotta is an important climatic and ski resort. It has two important facilities: one for alpine skiing, in Monte Capraro, with a chairlift; the other for cross-country skiing in Prato Gentile: the latter facility was the site of the Absolute Italian Cross-Country Skiing Championships in 1997.
Agnone (Agnèune in dialetto locale) è un comune italiano di 4 957 abitanti della provincia di Isernia in Molise. Fino al 1811, per circa 600 anni, Agnone e il suo circondario sono sempre stati parte integrante del Giustizierato d'Abruzzo e dell'Abruzzo Citra, nel distretto di Lanciano. Antica città sannita, è sede del più antico stabilimento al mondo per la fabbricazione delle campane (Pontificia fonderia di campane Marinelli), fondato intorno all'anno 1000 e tra i pochi che possano fregiarsi dell'onore di utilizzare per i propri prodotti lo stemma pontificio. Agnone è una cittadina di circa 5000 abitanti ubicata nell'Alto Molise. Si trova a 830 m di altitudine sul livello del mare, circondato da un paesaggio montuoso rivestito da boschi e praterie.
Castelpetroso. The Sanctuary - 2020
Castelpetroso is home to the Shrine of Maria Santissima Sorrows, patron saint of Molise. According to the testimony of the visionaries, the Virgin Mary first appeared on March 22, 1888 to two shepherds named Serafina and Bibiana in Cesa between Saints, on the slopes of Mount Patalecchia. This first appearance was followed by others. This phenomenon was later recognized. The shrine, which began with the laying of the first stone on September 28, 1890 and completed in 1975, is made in the neo-Gothic style; seen from above is composed of seven chapels depicting the seven sorrows of Our Lady, in the center of which there is the dome 54 meters high. The shrine and the place of apparitions are connected to each other by the Via Matris, 750 meters long, where precisely remember the seven Marian sorrows.
Autumnal landscape of Molise
Molise is an Italian mountainous region with a stretch of coast overlooking the Adriatic Sea. It includes a part of the Abruzzo National Park in the Apennine mountain range, with a rich wildlife and trails. The regional capital, Campobasso, is known for the Monforte Castle, located on a mountain, and for the Romanesque churches. To the north is the archaeological area of Pietrabbondante with an ancient theater and a Samnite temple.
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