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Molise, Italy. Spectacular autumn panorama.
Molise is an Italian region with a stretch of coast overlooking the Adriatic Sea. It includes a part of the Abruzzo National Park in the Appennine mountain range, with a rich wildlife and trails.
Roccasicura (La Ròcca in Molise) is an Italian town of 484 inhabitants in the province of Isernia in Molise
Castiglione di Carovilli. The parish church.
Trivento (CB)
Trivento è un comune italiano di 4 663 abitanti della provincia di Campobasso, in Molise. È sede vescovile. Cattedrale dei Santi Nazario, Celso e Vittore: principale edificio religioso, fu costruita sopra il tempio di Diana e dove ora si trova la Cripta di San Casto. La chiesa venne ampliata nel XIII secolo e restaurata completamente nel 1726 in stile barocco. L'altare maggiore è di Paolo Saverio di Zinno. Di intessere è la Cripta paleocristiana in sette piccole navate con volte a crociera; presso la tomba di San Casto si trova un bassorilievo della Trinità tra due delfini. Palazzo comitale, noto anche come Palazzo Colaneri, si trova in posizione dominante sul borgo, risalente, per la forma esterna, al dominio dei Caldora nel XV secolo. La struttura presenta alte mura di cinta, con pianta irregolare, e due ingressi principali. L'interno è stato modificato nei secoli, la parte sotterranea è spartana perché usata in passato come carcere di mentre al piano nobile si conserva un salone con affreschi. Chiesa di San Nicola di Bari : costruzione del XVI secolo, in con restauro barocco dei secoli successivi, dei quali risale la statua del Sacro Cuore. La chiesa è semplice e con un impianto a capanna, e facciata alternata da mattoni e intonaco, con campanile a vela. Scalinata del borgo di San Nicola : in tutto sono 365 gradoni e costituiscono l'accesso principale alla piazza del Duomo. Sperone roccioso "Morgia dei briganti": noto per lo scorrazzare di briganti nel periodo post unitario.
Molise, Italy. Glimpses of summer.
Molise is an Italian mountainous region with a stretch of coast overlooking the Adriatic Sea. It includes a part of the Abruzzo National Park in the Apennine mountain range, with a rich wildlife.
Rocchetta al Volturno
Rocchetta a Volturno is an Italian town of 1 098 inhabitants in the province of Isernia in Molise. The Municipality of Rocchetta al Volturno is made up of two nuclei: the original village, called Rocchetta Alta, or Rocchetta Vecchia, still perched in a defensive position on the mountain, and Rocchetta Nuova, which is located at a lower altitude. The new Rocchetta was born because, at the end of the 19th century, the slope that connected the southern part of the ancient town with the opposite hill was deforested and the land began to show serious subsidence from 1890 due to the progressive sliding of the superimposed layers of clay and sandstone, increased by water infiltrations, both rain and spring. In 1905, following further disastrous events, the population moved for the most part downstream, where there was a hamlet called Case Sparse. The modern town is developed today in the center of a plateau, bordered to the west by the terminal part of the Mainarde chain and to the east by a depression, at the bottom of which the Volturno flows; about two kilometers away are the sources of the river. Its name characterizes the toponyms of other nearby municipalities such as Colli a Volturno and Cerro al Volturno.
Spectacular autumn landscape
The municipality owes its name to the small Carpino river that flows in its territory from north to west. In turn, the Carpino river received its name from the abundance of the "carpioni", the trout males, whose fishing in its waters is numerous. The origins of Carpinone, although not very ancient, date back to at least the tenth century since in 1064 the count of Isernia Bernardo had founded the Monastery of San Marco here, then donated to the abbey of Cassino. Belonged to the County of Isernia during the Lombard domination, in the Norman and Swabian era it belonged to the County of Molise. At the beginning of the Angevin period it became a fiefdom of Tommaso d'Evoli and returned to his family in 1382 after it had belonged first to the Tucciaco family and then to the Count of Gravina.
Roccavivara, Sanctuary of S. Maria di Canneto
Surrounded by pines, in an area already inhabited in Roman times, the abbey-sanctuary of S. M. di Canneto rises isolated in the middle of an olive grove.
Isernia. The "Fraternal Fountain"
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