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Roccamandolfi. The Norman Longobard Castle
On the top of the hill on which the town is built there are the ruins of a Norman castle built on a pre-existing Lombard fortress, the subject of studies even in recent times.
Macchiagodena. Church of San Lorenzo.
The church of San Lorenzo is located near the Castle. Initially the structure was used as a convent, until it was abolished in 1866.
Molise, Italy. Glimpses of summer
Molise is an Italian mountainous region with a stretch of coast overlooking the Adriatic Sea. It includes a part of the Abruzzo National Park in the Apennine mountain range, with a rich wildlife.
Venafro (IS)
Venafro (Venafrum in latino, Venafrë in dialetto locale) è un comune italiano di 11 226 abitanti della provincia di Isernia, in Molise. È la quarta città della regione per popolazione. Ha origini molto antiche, risalenti al popolo italico dei Sanniti, dove nel III secolo a.C. combatterono aspramente contro Roma durante le guerre sannitiche. Nell'89 a.C. Venafrum fu teatro di uno scontro decisivo contro Roma dove guerreggiò il gruppo dei popoli della "Lega italica", nella cosiddetta "Guerra sociale". Nel Medioevo, fu invasa dai Longobardi, e divenne dal VI secolo sede di una diocesi, nonché importante centro di passaggio da Molise e Abruzzo per Napoli. Dal XV secolo fu di proprietà della famiglia Pandone, che contribuì alla ripresa economica del centro. Nel 1860 ospitò anche Vittorio Emanuele II in viaggio per l'incontro con Giuseppe Garibaldi. Il centro storico si presenta sotto aspetto di borgo fortificato lungo la scarpata della montagna, distante dall'antico centro romano, identificato nella zona dell'anfiteatro. Il punto più alto del borgo è il Castello Pandone, mentre la Cattedrale, seguendo lo schema delle antiche città normanno-longobarde, si trova fuori le mura. L'assetto urbanistico è molto preciso, scandito da cardo e decumano, e risente dell'influsso architettonico del barocco napoletano. Presso il centro si trovano altri due monumenti importanti: il cimitero militarefrancese di guerra, e il convento di San Nicandro, divenuto santuario già ai tempi della visita di Padre Pio nei primi anni del '900, necessitando di cure mediche per le sue malattie.
Capracotta, winter 2022
Capracotta is an Italian town of 833 inhabitants in the province of Isernia, in Molise. It suffered great destruction during the Second World War and from the second half of the twentieth century it developed on the tourist level as a Molise ski resort together with Campitello Matese. Located at 1,421 meters above sea level, it is, from a geographical point of view, one of the highest areas of the Apennines as well as being the highest municipality in Molise. The town is located on the parallel 41 ½ and on the meridian of Castel dell'Ovo and extends between the countryside of Pescopennataro and Sant'Angelo del Pesco to the north, that of Agnone to the east, of Vastogirardi to the south and S. Pietro Avellana and Castel del Giudice. The highest point in the municipal area is the summit of Monte Campo at 1746 m a.s.l. Downstream of the town, towards the south, are the sources of the Verrino, a tributary of the river Trigno. Just outside the town, on the road to Pescopennataro, is the "Garden of Apennine Flora", a high altitude botanical garden that collects notable floral and tree species from central and southern Italy. Capracotta is an important climatic and ski resort. It has two important facilities: one for alpine skiing, in Monte Capraro, with a chairlift; the other for cross-country skiing in Prato Gentile: the latter facility was the site of the Absolute Italian Cross-Country Skiing Championships in 1997.
Capracotta. Parish Church of S. Maria in Cielo Assunta
It is located on the highest part of the town, in the Terra Vecchia district, and was the seat of the collegiate church. It is not known what the current church was like, which is the result of a total renovation in 1725. The antiquity of the church is testified by a bas-relief of the bell tower, which bears the symbol of the Tree of Life, from the Renaissance period, the adjacent walls, with the portal of the chapel of the Visitation, show holes for the bells. The stone bell tower, with a square plan, has its current appearance, the result of the restoration of 1898. The baptismal font in walnut wood, with gold decorations, restored in 1980, and a stone font can also be attributed to the archaic church. In the 18th century the civic coat of arms was moved to the main altar by the Town Hall, and the church became the symbol of the entire Capracottese community.
Tramonto sulle Mainarde 2
Isernia, Monument to the Fallen
San Pietro Avellana (IS), eremo di S. Amico
Castiglione di Carovilli. The parish church.
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