The Benedictine Abbey of San Vincenzo al Volturno is located about two kilometers from the sources of the river of the same name, in a favorable position on the fertile Piana di Rocchetta, defended by the Mainarde and Meta ranges to the west and the Matese massif to the south. On the affairs of the monastery we are informed by the Chronicon Vulturnense, an illuminated manuscript written in 1130 by a monk named Giovanni, who had in turn used internal sources of the VIII-XI century monastery. According to the Chronicon, the foundation dates back to the beginning of the 8th century and was due to three nobles from Benevento, Paldo, Taso and Tato, and to their search for a place to devote themselves to the ascetic life. The chosen area was frequented in late Roman times as shown by the remains of a church and a sepulchral area from the 5th-6th century AD