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Isernia - Fontana Fraterna
La "fontana Fraterna" (o fontana della Fraterna, fontana della Concezione, fontana delle Sette Cannelle o semplicemente Fraterna) è un'elegante fonte pubblica, nonché simbolo, della città di Isernia. Annoverata dall'Enciclopedia Treccani fra le più belle d'Italia, con sei getti d'acqua, dalle inusuali forme di un loggiato, realizzata con blocchi di pietra calcarea compatta, è una delle opere più significative e più importanti del comune pentro. Anticamente sorgeva in piazza Fraterna, di fronte alla chiesa della Concezione, ma dopo il bombardamento alleato del 1943 è situata in piazza Celestino V (ex largo Concezione), nel cuore del centro storico della città.
Isernia - La Cattedrale di S. Pietro Apostolo
La cattedrale di San Pietro Apostolo è l'edificio di culto cattolico più importante della città di Isernia, chiesa madre della diocesi di Isernia-Venafro e sede dell'omonima parrocchia. Si trova in piazza Andrea d'Isernia, nel centro storico della città e sorge su un antico tempio pagano italico del III secolo a.C.; il suo aspetto odierno è il risultato di numerosi interventi, effettuati sia dopo i numerosi terremoti, sia in seguito a progetti di rinnovamento dell'edificio.
Pescopennataro. The church of S. Bartolomeo Apostolo
The church of San Bartolomeo Apostolo (1654), rebuilt in the twentieth century after the destruction of the world wars. Of particular interest is the high altar with the adjoining wooden tabernacle.
Cerro al Volturno. Winter 2022
Cerro al Volturno (Cièrrë in Molise) is an Italian town of 1 194 inhabitants in the province of Isernia in Molise, about 20 km from the border with Abruzzo. The municipality is also simply called Cerro because of its territory rich in oak woods, among which the Cerro, Quercus cerris, stands out. The Cerrese territory is on the border with the National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise. The climate is mainly of the Apennine type: cool and rainy autumn, cold and snowy winter and mild summer. The town was founded by the Samnites (III century BC), of which fortifications remain at Mount Santa Croce. In medieval times the hill of the present village was colonized by peasants (9th century), since the fiefdom depended on the nearby Abbey of San Vincenzo al Volturno. The origin of the community itself is linked to the influence of the abbey of San Vincenzo al Volturno, one of the oldest Benedictine monasteries in the Kingdom of Naples and in the land of San Pietro, together with Montecassino and Farfa. Cerro already existed since 899, as evidenced in the Chrnicon Vulturnense, when Roffredo, abbot of San Vincenzo led the first peasant colony to cultivate the lands in the place of Cerrum, from the name of the oak trees. The 11th century Norman castle was later owned by the Filangieri, Borrello and Cantelmo di Popoli family, until the 15th century, when it passed to the Pandone family, who renovated it extensively. In the following centuries the feud belonged to various families, including the Carafa. In 1811 the village passed to the territory of Benevento, and only in 1861 was it included again in Molise, first linked to the territory of Piedimonte Matese, and then to the area of Castellone Volturno, i.e. Castel San Vincenzo. Since 1970 it has been part of the province of Isernia.
Colli a Volturno. Winter 2022
Colli a Volturno (Cuòglië in Molise) is an Italian town of 1 312 inhabitants in the province of Isernia in Molise. The municipal territory extends into the Volturno Valley on the border with the national park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise. Colli a Volturno (also called simply Colli), rises on three wooded hills, at an altitude of about 400 m a.s.l. (max. 1 013, min. 236 a.s.l.). The municipal area borders the municipalities of Fornelli, Rocchetta a Volturno, Montaquila, Scapoli, Cerro al Volturno, Macchia d'Isernia, Filignano and Monteroduni. The Collese area, as the name suggests, is mainly hilly interspersed with wide flat spaces. The climate is mild, the average annual temperature is 18.2 ° C, the average rainfall is 862 mm. Summers are warm and temperate, winters are cold but not particularly harsh, sporadic snowfalls, exceptionally abundant those of February 1956, January 1985 and February 2012. In autumn, rainfall is abundant, in August, the hottest month. of the year, the average temperature is 22.4 ° C; in August 2017, an exceptional heat wave caused the mercury column to reach 43 ° C. January is the coldest month, with an average temperature of 5.4 ° C. The driest month is July with an average of 32mm of rain. The month of November is the one with the highest rainfall, having an average of 118 mm. Gusts of wind are not infrequent, even of particular intensity. Temperatures vary by around 17 ° C throughout the year.
Spring landscapes 2024
Rionero Sannitico. Church of San Bartolomeo Apostolo
Mother church of San Bartolomeo Apostolo. Formerly dedicated to S. Maria Assunta in cielo. Its shape is a Latin cross, with three naves separated by two rows of columns.
Roccasicura. Church of St. Leonard of Limoges
Founded by the Longobards, it has maintained the old appearance of a small chapel with a single nave. The portal retains its 12th century appearance with a simple arch and lunette.
Castiglione di Carovilli. The parish church.
Molise, Italy. Glimpses of summer.
Molise is an Italian mountainous region with a stretch of coast overlooking the Adriatic Sea. It includes a part of the Abruzzo National Park in the Apennine mountain range, with a rich wildlife.
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