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Montefortino. The sanctuary of the Madonna dell'Ambro
The sanctuary of the Madonna dell'Ambro is a religious building of Marian worship, located in the municipality of Montefortino, in the Sibillini Mountains.
Ancona. La Cattedrale di San Ciriaco
The cathedral of Ancona is dedicated to San Ciriaco. It is a medieval church in which the Romanesque style blends with the Byzantine one, evident in the plan and in many decorations
Offida, Ascoli Piceno. Piazza del Popolo, the Town Hall
Town Hall. Built between the 13th and 14th centuries (central crenellated tower). The façade is preceded by a 7-arched portico with an elegant 14-arched loggia raised in the 15th century. Inside there is a small art gallery with works by Pietro Alamanno and Simone de Magistris from Caldarola. In the municipal historical archive there is, among other things, the mutilated parchment cadastre of the fourteenth century with a good 70 parchments in Gothic characters.
Ascoli Piceno, Marche. The Cathedral of San Emidio
The city's cathedral, dedicated to the patron saint, stands on the site of a Roman public building, perhaps the Basilica del Foro, and is the result of multiple construction events that substantially range from the 11th to the 16th century. The main facade created by Cola dell'Amatrice opens onto Piazza Arringo, while the two side facades date back to the end of the 15th century. The interior, with three naves divided by polygonal pillars, from the end of the fifteenth century, houses, among the various works, in the central apse a late Gothic wooden choir from the first half of the fifteenth century, a wooden pulpit from around 1660; in the Chapel of the Sacrament the Polyptych of Sant'Emidio by Carlo Crivelli, the imposing decorative cycle by Cesare Mariani, and the crypt of Sant'Emidio, built in the mid-11th century which houses, in a 4th century sarcophagus, the relics of the patron saint of the city.
Ascoli Piceno. The Cathedral of San Emidio
The city's cathedral, dedicated to the patron saint, stands on the site of a Roman public building, perhaps the Basilica del Foro, and is the result of multiple construction events that substantially range from the 11th to the 16th century. The main facade created by Cola dell'Amatrice opens onto Piazza Arringo, while the two side facades date back to the end of the 15th century. The interior, with three naves divided by polygonal pillars, from the end of the fifteenth century, houses, among the various works, in the central apse a late Gothic wooden choir from the first half of the fifteenth century, a wooden pulpit from around 1660; in the Chapel of the Sacrament the Polyptych of Sant'Emidio by Carlo Crivelli, the imposing decorative cycle by Cesare Mariani, and the crypt of Sant'Emidio, built in the mid-11th century which houses, in a 4th century sarcophagus, the relics of the patron saint of the city.
Recanati. The cathedral of San Flaviano
The church of San Flaviano is the cathedral of Recanati. On 12 June 1805 it was elevated to the dignity of a minor basilica by Pope Pius VI.
Acquaviva Picena. Mother Church of San Nicolò
The church is dedicated to S. Nicolò di Bari, patron saint of the city. The original construction dates back to the 16th c., and then assumed its current architectural forms during the 19th century
Offida. Collegiate Church of S. Maria Assunta
Collegiate Church. Built between 1785 and 1798 by the Ticino architect Pietro Maggi, who substituted and profoundly changed the design by Ascoli Lazzaro Giosafatti; it has a neoclassical Louis XVI interior and a facade built only at the end of the nineteenth century in an eclectic style of brick and travertine. Inside, among other things, there is a thirteenth-century wooden casket with 26 ivory figurines of northern art, a fourteenth-century processional cross, a fifteenth-century reliquary, a sixteenth-century wooden group, a wooden crucifix by Desiderio Bonfini (1612) , paintings of the fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth centuries (Crivellesque school and school of Pietro Alemanno). The choir carved with twisted columns and mirrors in Verona briar with two orders of 14 stalls was built by Alessio Donati for the church of Santa Maria della Rocca but was transferred in 1794 to the Collegiate, together with the relics of San Leonardo di Noblac preserved in a urn placed inside the main altar, also in wood. On 12 November 1994 the body of Blessed Corrado da Offida was placed in the third altar on the left, solemnly moved from Perugia, where it had been kept in the now no longer consecrated Church of San Francesco al Prato. The church, despite the distance, was affected by the strong earthquake that occurred in L'Aquila on 6 April 2009: in fact, on the day of the earthquake some pieces of plaster fell off the bell tower.
Wonderful view of the Marche hills
The Marche, a region of eastern Italy, rises between the Apennine mountains and the Adriatic Sea.
Ripatransone. The co-cathedral of SS. Gregorio Magno
The co-cathedral of Saints Gregorio Magno and Margherita is the main cult building in Ripatransone, in the province of Ascoli Piceno, co-cathedral of the diocese of San Benedetto del Tronto-Ripatransone-Montalto. It is a minor basilica and a triple sanctuary, as it also includes the chapel of the Madonna di San Giovanni and the crypt of Mercy and Death, considered temples in their own right.
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